Sunday, March 11, 2007

Milton Citizen Bill Ruffin Has A Question For Mayor Lockwood:

Mayor Lockwood:

First, congratualtions on all you have accomplished in such a short time.I have a concern, though, about what is happening at Crabapple.I live in Six Hills, close to the scene of the devastation.In talking to people in the area, the general opinion is that in your first face off with developers, you lost badly -- actually, without a fight.The big problem is that nobody really knows what is going to go into the area they clear cut. The longer that information vacuum remains, the less confidence people have in your concept of managed growth.Right now it appears that the management is in the hands of those who could care less about the character of Milton.My suggestion: hold a public meeting where the developers must present their plans. Failing that, publish what is planned for the site.

Thank you - Bill Ruffin

Milton Mayor Lockwood Responds:

Mr. Ruffin has a great comment and certainly genuine concerns. I agree with him on the frustration as I live very close to the area. I was quoted in the newspaper as saying this corner "looked like a bomb went off"! Most of all I thank him for expressing them to me.I am sorry that Mr. Ruffin states that the opinion is "we have lost badly" in a face off with developers. The fact is that this development, and everything being done right now, was decided upon last year, long before we had the city of Milton or any of the Mayor or council was elected. Fulton County approved this development and had several citizens involved. Once the city of Milton officially took over, our only power was to monitor what the developers are doing based on what they had been previously approved to build. We immediatly sent out our inspectors and arborist to make sure they were in compliance.I have hopes that when completed and landscaped this area will look much better to those of us that live nearby.Our citizens need to be aware of the fact that the city of Milton has not even seen our first zoning case, and that any development going on now was approved prior by the county. We have not "lost" any fights!I want to assure our citizens that I am fully commited to living up to my campaign promises, and feel they are in line with what the majority of our citizens want for Milton, but I certainly want to hear from everyone.

Again thank you Mr. Ruffin for your comments. - Joe Lockwood