Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Mayor Lockwood Responds to Freemanville High School Inquiry

Citizen Bill Ruffin's Question:

Mayor Lockwood:

Congratulations on your open communications. I hope over time more people will participate. Maybe you should run a few ads in other media to let people know your post exists.I know it's early in the game. But do you have a position on two schools and a stadium proposed for Freemanville?. A stadium with lights on Freemanville: sounds like something we need to fight --or at least greatly influence. The school board comment seemed dismissive and arrogant -- that we should have expected this.

Thanks, Bill Ruffin / Six Hills

Mayor Lockwood Responds:

Mr. Ruffin,

Thank you for your comments and questions. As for my position on the new schools and stadium on Freemanville Road, I certainly appreciate and understand any and all concerns from the many citizens that will be impacted. I have personally gone through that myself as I live within a mile of 3 schools.

If we had, or could, preserve what most of us moved here for, then most of our citizens wouldn't be here. Unfortunately, or fortunately? as beautiful homes, on 1+ acre lots have attracted people to this particular part of Milton, it has also placed a need for the children of these families to have good schools. I don't know what all of the criteria that the FCBOE uses for need and locations, but I am sure they must see a future need for additional schools.

Personally, I would not have picked this location, nor can I think of any other location in Milton that I would have chosen, but I guess that is why the school board has the power to keep their site selection from us and the public. If they did not have this legal right, then I guess we would have to bus all of our children 100's of miles away to school, away from all "back yards"!

I have researched and gotten all legal advice available to me, both from our city attorney, outside legal council, and the school board themselves, and can not find any way that we, as a city, can stop the schools unless there are physical restraints with the property. I am certainly open to any additional advice or information from you or other residents. This being said, the school board has said they will take all of our concerns seriously.

Moving forward, I am certainly committed to working with all concerned citizens and our city to make sure that the school board makes every effort to minimize the negative affect to our residents.


Joe Lockwood
Mayor, City of Milton