Thursday, December 6, 2007

During the Giving Season, Remember those who need us most.

It’s the holiday season again -- a time for each of us to remember how fortunate we are to live in such a great place, and to remember how important it is to help our neighbors. Over the next few weeks, families will drive from far away to spend time together; we’ll decorate our homes, enjoy pumpkin pie and turkey, and relax during a few well-earned holidays from our work.

But while we’re in our warm homes enjoying the festivities, we all must remember that many people this year won’t have the same warm smiles on their faces, or the chance to enjoy the holidays with the same luxuries as we do.

Across the metro-Atlanta area, there are families every day who don’t have a home to enjoy, enough food to feed their families, or even a warm coat to fight off the winter chill. Each of us has many opportunities to lend a helping hand this time of year. We can donate food and money to our area food banks that help out hundreds of families during the holiday season. We can bring gifts and volunteer our time at homeless shelters and children’s homes, or simply spend time visiting our elderly residents at nursing homes, helping to bring smiles to their faces and easing a bit of loneliness. We can clean out our closets and donate our warm coats and clothing through organizations like Sharing and Caring Hands or The opportunities are endless -- all you have to do is look around you for ways to help.

Let’s also not forget our many brave service personnel who are away from their families and homes this holiday season. When many families sit down to their holiday feasts, there will be an empty seat at the table, waiting for a loved one to return. We can each make a difference in these soldiers’ lives, and can send them a warm light from home to show our love and appreciation. One organization, Soldiers’ Angels (, even provides an opportunity to adopt a solder during the holidays. In addition, students across the metro area are writing letters to soldiers to show their appreciation, and many organizations offer ways to send care packages, cards and letters to soldiers.

During this most festive season of the year, let’s remember those around us, and especially the homeless and hungry, and those fighting to preserve freedom around the world. We each have the ability to bring light and joy into the world and to make a difference.
Have a wonderful and safe holiday season!

Warm regards,

Mayor Joe Lockwood

Many Thanks to The Milton Roundup, issue 3.